Covid-19  touched the lives of so many families and we’ve all had to adjust to life during a pandemic. United Way of Greater Union County (UWGUC) has been raising funds to provide emergency relief for our local community and Diane’s family is one of the hundreds we have been able to support.

Diane, a single mother of two who resides in Elizabeth, needed support in November 2020 when both her parents were hospitalized for Covid-19. Devastated and desperate she came to UWGUC for support, and we were able to help with two programs she qualified for.

Finally, some relief, but the worst was yet to come. In March her daughter was hospitalized for Covid-19 and Diane’s life was turned upside down.  UWGUC came to her aid, successfully enrolling her in a program which provided three months of rent, alleviating some of the stress caused by the pandemic and allowing her to remain in her home.

“You are such a blessing” Diane told employees at UWGUC. “You can’t imagine how much you’ve helped me already by just listening to me and providing emotional support there is no price value in that. You go above and beyond to help people in need. The world needs more caring people like you in it. I am so grateful and will forever be grateful to you.”

Without your donations United Way of Greater Union County would not be able to provide emergency assistance to families like Diane’s. Your community needs you. Donate.